#Samick piano serial number lookup code#
F = Factory code (F = Fuji-gen, T = Terada).M = Letter code to corresponding month (A = January, B = February, etc.)Įxample: R01B0123 = Peerless Korea / 2001 / February / unit 0123.
Y/YY = Year of manufacture (Single digit for some 1997 and earlier models).
#Samick piano serial number lookup serial numbers#
For example Yamaha or Kawai serial numbers indicate the country of origin by letters all within the serial number. Many times serial numbers also contain letters. You will be aware of whether your piano was manufactured in its original factory location or rather in a different one. To provide accurate information, we indicate such a change. In the past decades, many piano manufacturers ceased productions, which meant that brands changed ownership.įor example, a brand manufactured in Germany until 1950 may have switched production in 1990 to China. Was your piano made in Germany or in China? If you do not find your piano brand, contact us, and we will make all efforts to research and upload the relative information. The lists are not finalized but rather constantly updated and corrected with new information when available. The database includes a vast number of brands from the past and present, sorted alphabetically and also includes a quick search for your convenience. The app will automatically load the appropriate brands for that selection. To begin a search, simply pick the icon that best portrays your piano. Serial numbers do not necessarily match with the same brand and the same stance of the piano. There is a separation between the upright and grand pianos in the database due to the serial numbers.